Support Us

The Lukas Community has earned the

Guidestar Gold Certificate

Support Lukas with a Tax Deductible Donation

The Lukas Community is a private, non-profit 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. Because our fees are low, we rely on donations from individuals, corporations and foundations and volunteerism to meet our operating expenses. Please note that charitable donations are tax deductible.

Your gifts can support the following:

Endowment Fund
Expands long term security for our residents.

Annual Operating Fund
Provides monies for residential care, workshops, cultural life, transportation, educational and recreational programs. Help meet our yearly operating expenses which exceed $500,000 a year

Financial Aid
Lukas offers financial aid to those residents who do not have the ability to pay the monthly fees. You can help support a resident in this meaningful way.


You can also consider supporting us through appreciated stock, real estate, corporate/employer matching gifts, estates and planned gifts and donations of equipment. WE DEPEND ON YOU!


Gifts by Check
Checks payable to Lukas Community may be sent to:
The Lukas Community
PO Box 137
Temple, NH 03084

Secure On-line Donations
Click the buttons below to be taken to our donor pages. They are secure and easy ways to contribute!




Guidestar Gold Certificate